Contact the Library to learn more about integrating this unique skill set into assignments. Accrediting Organizations Acknowledge the Importance of Information Literacy:
American Library Association Presidential Committee on Information Literacy Final Report:
Information literacy is a set of abilities requiring individuals to "recognize when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information"
Though the definition of information literacy has not changed, ACRL introduced in 2016 the Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education which "grows out of a belief that information literacy as an educational reform movement will realize its potential only through a richer, more complex set of core ideas" (Framework for...) which include:
Frames outline knowledge practices and dispositions that are further delineated into novice and expert benchmarks. With this structure it is possible to identify goals and objectives. For example, a First Year Student may measurably be developing a novice knowledge practice while a graduating student shows evidence of an expert knowledge practice. This topical Libguide outlines each frame and the development level. Concepts can be converted to Learning Outcomes and aligned with additional course objectives.
These are an Information Seeking Learner's threshold concepts. A threshold concept transforms the learner’s view of content and helps integrate previously learned material; threshold concepts are portals that, once traversed, bring insight into how to think and act like a practitioner within a discipline (Hofer, 387.)
Hofer, A. R., Townsend, L., & Brunetti, K. (2012). Troublesome concepts and information literacy: Investigating threshold concepts for IL instruction. Portal : Libraries and the Academy, 12(4), 387-405. Retrieved from
"Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education", American Library Association, February 9, 2015. (Accessed October 23, 2017)
"Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education." ALA,
"Presidential Committee on Information Literacy: Final Report", American Library Association, July 24, 2006. (Accessed October 31, 2018)
Opar, B. (2016). Strategies for Planning Successful Information Literacy Assignments for Architecture Students. Association of Collegiate
Schools of Architecture. Accessed October 1, 2018.