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First Generation Student LibGuide: Articles

Recommended Articles for Faculty available in NYIT Libraries

Amaya, L. R.; Betancourt, T.; Collins, K. H.; Hinojosa, O.; Corona, C. (2018). Undergraduate Research Experiences: Mentoring, Awareness, and Perceptions - a Case Study at a Hispanic-Serving Institution. International Journal of STEM Education5(1), 1–13.

Bloomberg, L.D. (2024). Supporting First-Generation College Students: Ensuring Equitable Student Success. International Journal of Online Graduate Education, 7(1).

Brookover, D. L., Hanley, E. M., Boulden, R., & Johnson, K. F. (2021). “I Want to Be First”: Student, Family, and School Factors Influencing First-Generation Student College Readiness. School Community Journal31(1), 41–64.

Carpenter, A. M., & Peña, E. V. (2017). Self-authorship among first-generation undergraduate students: A qualitative study of experiences and catalysts. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education, 10(1), 86-100.

Conrad, S., Canetto, S. S., MacPhee, D., & Farro, S. (2009). What attracts high-achieving, socioeconomically disadvantaged students to the physical sciences and engineering? College Student Journal43(4), 1359.

Grineski, S.; Daniels, H.; Collins, T.; Morales, D. X.; Frederick, A.; Garcia, M. (2018). The Conundrum of Social Class: Disparities in Publishing among Stem Students in Undergraduate Research Programs at a Hispanic Majority Institution. Science Education, 102 (2), 283-303

Haeger, H., & Fresquez, C. (2016). Mentoring for Inclusion: The Impact of Mentoring on Undergraduate Researchers in the SciencesCBE - Life Sciences Education15(3)

Haeger, H.; Fresquez, C.; Banks, J. E.; Smith, C., (2018) Navigating the Academic Landscape: How Mentored Research Experiences Can Shed Light on the Hidden CurriculumScholarship and Practice of Undergraduate Research  2 (1), 15-23. 

Ishiyama, J. (2002). Does Early Participation in Undergraduate Research Benefit Social Science and Humanities Students? College Student Journal36(3), 380.

Jehangir, R. R., Collins, K., & Molengraff, T. (2024). Class matters: Employing photovoice with first-generation poor and working-class college students as a lens on intersecting identities. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education, 17(3), 319-329. doi:

LeMire, S., Zhihong Xu, Balester, V., Dorsey, L. G., & Hahn, D. (2021). Assessing the Information Literacy Skills of First-Generation College Students. College & Research Libraries82(5), 730–754

Martin, J. P., Stefl, S. K., Cain, L. W., & Pfirman, A. L. (2020). Understanding first-generation undergraduate engineering students’ entry and persistence through social capital theory. International Journal of STEM Education7(1), 37.

Meertins, J. R. P., Grossman, M. A., & Tapia JR., R. (2021). I’ve Got Talent: Using the Public Speaking Course to Boost Interviewing Skills among First-Generation College StudentsCollege Student Journal55(1), 119–125.

Minicozzi, L., & Roda, A. (2020). Unveiling the Hidden Assets That First-Generation Students Bring to CollegeJournal for Leadership and Instruction19(1), 43–46.

Ricks, J. R., & Warren, J. M. (2021). Experiences of Successful First-Generation College Students With College AccessJournal of School Counseling19(8), 1–35.

Ro, H. K., Lee, J., Fernandez, F., & Conrad, B. H. (2021). We Don’t Know What they Did Last Summer: Examining Relationships among Parental Education, Faculty Interaction, and College Students’ Post-First Year Summer Experiences. Innovative Higher Education46(1), 21–39

Robnett, R. D.,  Nelson, P. A., Zurbriggen, E. L., Crosby, F. J.  & Chemers, M. M. (2018). Research mentoring and scientist identity: insights from undergraduates and their mentorsInternational Journal of STEM Education5(1), 1–14.

Sims, L. R., &  Ferrare, J. J. (2021)  “Since I Am From Where I Am From’: How Rural and Urban First-Generation College Students Differentially Use Social Capital to Choose a College Major. Journal of Research in Rural Education,  37(6).

Towle, B. A. (2024). Accidental Outreach and Happenstance Staffing: A Cross-Institutional Study of Writing Center Support of First-Generation College Students. Writing Center Journal, 41(3), 72–86.

Verdín, D.; Smith, J. M.; Lucena, J. C., (2021) Recognizing the Funds of Knowledge of First-Generation College Students in Engineering: An Instrument Development. Journal of Engineering Education.  110 (3), 671-699.

Articles that can be requested


Ahmed, M., Muldoon, T. J.; Elsaadany, M. (September 1, 2021). "Employing Faculty, Peer Mentoring, and Coaching to Increase the Self-Confidence and Belongingness of First-Generation College Students in Biomedical Engineering." ASME. J Biomech Eng. December 2021; 143(12)

Reig, A. J.; Goddard, K. A.; Kohn, R. E.; Jaworski, L.; Lopatto, D. (2018). The Future Program: Engaging Underserved Populations through Early Research Experiences.  ACS Symposium Series 1275, 3-21.

Wilson, R. E.; Kittleson, J. (2013).  Science as a Classed and Gendered Endeavor: Persistence of Two White Female First-Generation College Students within an Undergraduate Science Context. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 50 (7), 802-825.



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