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IDSP 098 - Skills for College Success I: Find Journals

A research guide for the IDSP course to help you get started with library research.


The JOURNALS tab is NOT for searching for articles directly. The JOURNALS tab is for locating SPECIFIC PUBLICATIONS. Your results will not provide you with journal articles, but will tell you the following: if we subscribe to a specific journal, newspaper, or magazine; which issues we provide access to if we subscribe to a publication; and the format of available publications (e.g., if the journal is available electronically, a link will be provided to the area of the database in which it is available).

Use the JOURNALS tab if... need to find articles from a SPECIFIC journal, newspaper, or magazine, OR 

...your professor has given you a citation and wants you to find a specific article in a specific journal, OR want to identify journals that we subscribe to by subject area. 

Using the Journals Tab

Let's say your professor gives you the citation below and wants you to find the item: 

Parsi, K. (2011). The Political Satirist as Public Intellectual: The Case of Jon Stewart. American Journal Of Bioethics11(12), 3-6. doi:10.1080/15265161.2011.623818. 

Step 1. Identify the journal (hint: it's red). Select the JOURNALS tab at Enter the title of the publication (NOT the title of the article). 



Step 2. will see a record for the American Journal of Bioethics. (If you don't see an entry, that means we do not subscribe to the item. Be sure to check your spelling or the title and conduct another search to be sure.) The date range will tell you which issues of the publication are accessible in full-text. The linked items beside these coverage dates indicate where the items are located. (In this case, the items are available electronically. If you see the term LIBRARY HOLDINGS, that means the item may be available in print at one of NYIT's four libraries.) Based on the coverage dates, our item should be accessible in either ACADEMIC SEARCH COMPLETE or CINAHL.  


Step 3. Select the appropriate database and use your citation information to locate the correct issue (hint: the year of publication is blue and the volume and issue are green). 

Step 4. Locate the article. 


How to Use the Journal Finder

How to Search for Peer Reviewed Articles

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