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Really Simple Syndication (RSS): Current Events

This guide provides an overview of RSS technology, a method of streaming customized information.

Current Events

RSS feeds are available in each of your professional and personal areas of interest. RSS feeds are often advertised on websites, or can be constructed using a database like Proquest or EbscoHost, or something more eloborate like Yahoo Pipes. To get you thinking, below is a very small sample of websites and databases which provide RSS feeds, and links to their corresponding feed subscription pages.


Customized News
Using the two websites below you can create customized RSS feeds and by doing so scan 1000s of websites using a unique search parameter. These services also employ RSS feeds based on pre-defined topics.

Databases With RSS Functionality
It is also possible to monitor new articles by creating database RSS feeds based on searches. Some databases will require you to create an account or profile if you want to save searches as RSS feeds. Below are some of the NYIT Library subscription services that support RSS.

Example Feed from the New York Times

Below is an example of an RSS feed. This feed displays New York Times stories which have the word "banana" in the headline. Demonstrating the power of the method, in the future, whenever a story appears in the New York Times with the word banana in the headline it will automatically be displayed in my feed reader. Moreover, feed readers can be customised to diplay only the feed title, an abstract of the item, or the complete contents of the results.

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