Britannica Online - Computer Scientists
Engineering Daily
"Top 10 Remarkable Engineers of All Time"
Wikipedia - "List of Computer Scientists"
Youtube is a rich source of interviews, documentaries and other biographical information. However, one must be on guard regarding accuracy, biases and contexts of both the videos and the explanations which accompany them. The following links are just a smattering of what is publicly available.
Computer Scientists Engineers
Berners-Lee, Tim Otto, Nikolaus
Hopper, Grace Steinmetz, Charles
When searching the NYIT Library Catalog or databases such as WorldCat for books and media about individual engineers or computer scientists, try one or more of the following types of subject searches. The live links below are to NYIT e-book holdings.
* By Individual Name
Aiken, Howard Babbage, Charles Berners-Lee, Tim
McLucas, John Tesla, Nikola Turing, Alan Watt, James
* By Occupation
Computer Scientists--Biography
Women Computer Scientists Engineers--History
Women in Computer Science Women Engineers
Women in Engineering
* Historical Overviews
Computer Science--History Engineering--History
Computers--History Data Processing--History