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Writing & Citing: Grammar & Punctuation

Welcome to the Writing and Citing Guide! Here, you'll find resources for enhancing your writing and correctly formatting your citations.

Quick Guide to Punctuation

Period (.)
Use a period at the end of a sentence that's a declarative statement.

Comma (,)
Use a comma to separate elements in a series, after a conjunction (and, but) that joins two independent clauses, after an introductory element, and to set off parenthetical elements.

Semicolon (;)
Use a semicolon to separate elements in a complex list and to join two closely related independent clauses.

Colon (:)
Use a colon in conjunction with an independent clause to introduce a series or an explanation.

Dash (--)
With a stronger emphasis than the commma, a dash can also be used to set off parenthetical information.

Hyphen (-)
To create a compound word, to add certain prefixes to a word, and to break a word at the end of a line. 

Grammar & Punctuation

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