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History: Internet Resources

Welcome to the History Subject Guide! Here, you'll find resources to complete all of your history-related assignments, including history databases full of articles and reference entries, books, ebooks, journals, reliable Web sites, and much more!

Evaluating Web Resources

How do you know if a Web site is appropriate for your project? It has to pass the C.R.A.A.P. test!

Currency: How up-to-date is the information?

Relevance: How does the information relate to your topic?

Authority: By whom was this content created? What credentials and/or demonstrated expertise does the author possess?

Accuracy: Is the information correct? Are there spelling or grammatical errors?

Purpose: Why was this content created? Does this information exist to educate you or to sell you something?

-- Adapted from "Evaluating Information - Applying the CRAAP Test" by the librarians at the Meriam Library at California State University, Chico.


History on the Web

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