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Anti-Oppression LibGuide: Anti-ableism resources

This guide serves as a starting point to learn about anti-oppression, inclusion, and privilege, as well as to provide resources to key social justice issues. The New York Tech community is welcome to suggest recommendations.


Ability: A concept that symbolizes or categorizes people based on a person’s ways of navigating and negotiating society – physically, emotionally, psychologically, and/or mentally—source: Tri-college libraries: Allyship and Anti-Oppression Resource Guide.

Ableism: Oppression, prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination against disabled people based on actual or presumed disability. Source:

  • A system of superiority and discrimination that provides or denies resources, agency, and dignity based on one’s abilities (mental/intellectual, emotional, and/or physical.) Ableism depends on a binary and benefits non-disabled people at the expense of disabled people. Like other forms of oppression, ableism operates on the individual, institutional and cultural levels—source: Anti-violence project.

Able Body: People who do not have any physical or sensory disability or mobility impairment.

Access: One’s ability to know, find and/or use the tools and resources that will allow them to live whole and healthy lives. Source: Allyship and Anti-Oppression Resource Guide.

Differently able: This can refer to any person with a disability and is usually a euphemistic phrase to avoid saying "disability" or "disabled." Source:

Otherwise stated, terms are adapted from: 

Merriam-Webster Dictionary 

Examples of walking privilege

Walking is an activity most people do every day without much thought, this is not the case for people who need support while walking or people who use wheelchairs. Here are some examples from Everyday Feminism- Liebowitz, Cara-

  • Safely accessing public transportation 
    • "Less than a quarter of NYC subway stations are accessible, and most of them are in Manhattan – so good luck if you’re a wheelchair user trying to get to the outer boroughs."
  • Having more options when finding affordable housing. 
    • "Finding housing for anyone, especially in a big city, is difficult. But for wheelchair users, it can be next to impossible."
  • The means of mobility you rely on aren't manipulated, touched, or leaned on by strangers. 
  • The ability of quickly exit a building in case of emergency. 
  • Your entire being isn't defined by your means of mobility. 
  • You can see people that move like you being represented in a positive light on media. 

Books and other resources

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This guide attempts to provide general information and a starting point to learn about anti-oppression, inclusion, and privilege, as well as provide knowledge and resources to key social justice issues. 


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