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Community & Urban Research Guide: Google

Google Search tips

Searching Google? Here are a few tips to focus your searches.

  1. [ employment ] will find pages about employment within the Bureau of Labor Statistics domain.
  2. intitle:culture] will search for the term culture in the title of webpages.
  3. [ design AROUND(3) "urban renewal site:gov ] will find only documents that have the words “design” within 3 words of “urban renewal” on .gov websites. 
  4. [ "green buildings" filetype:pdf ] uses filetype: to limit your search to a specific type of document. Choices include .html , ppt, .doc and more. Note that you can also exclude certain file types by using the dash before the word filetype.
  5. [ "political attitudes" OR culture intitle:"New York" ] could be used to search for a items with New York in the title either the quoted phrase “political attitudes” or culture.
  6. [ community site:* ] will match all of the sites with a subdomain.
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