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Digital Humanities Tools: Personal Digital Archiving

This guide provides an overview of Digital Humanities and a list of tools that can be use to visualize and enhance your project.



We create a large amount of online content via our research and writing, emails, official business, transactions, social media interactions, and photographs. Therefore, it is important to learn how to manage and properly store these digital prints of ourselves.  

The library of Congress recommends these key strategies: 

  • Identify and Organize our digital content: Add names files and photographs for easy access. 
  • Select and decide which content needs safekeeping and archiving. 
  • Organize our assets: Give them descriptive filenames, organize them into a logical file structure, and write down your organizational scheme.
  • Make lots of copies and have those copies in multiple locations.

        Personal Digital Archiving Strategies.pdf. (MIT libraries)

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