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Making Music With Apps: Software / Apps

The New York Tech library has many items available for making music. However, since we've had to close the physical library during the COVID-19 pandemic, the librarians have compiled a list of alternative options that you can access from home.

What's Available

For a limited time, companies like Moog and KORG are providing free downloads of their synthesizer apps. This allows you to create music simply by using your smart phone or tablet. Some of the listed apps are already free, such as the Reason Compact or TF& Synth. You'll be amazed at how easy they are to use!


The cool thing about working with these apps is that even without music theory experience you can create simple chord progressions and melodies. Create sweeping lead and bass lines. Add some percussion even a drum beat. Then shift the sounds with various knobs labeled "filter" or "distortion." Allow your imagination to run free!

Minimoog Model D Synthesizer App | Moog

Reason Compact


Minimoog Model D Synthesizer


TF7 Synth


KORG Kaossilator

iOS or Andorid

AudioKit Synth One Synthesizer


KORG Gadget 2 Le



Software & Production

The next step after creating your music is to edit the tracks in an audio production software. Many of times, you can export your music files directly to the software of your choosing. The following options have either free "lite" versions or require purchasing. Check for educational versions or other discount options. You can also use the Bandlab app which allows you to collaborate with musicians remotely.

Ableton Live 10 Lite

macOS or Android

Pro Tools

macOS or Windows


macOS or Windows

Adobe Audition

macOS or Windows

Garage Band


Native Instruments

macOS or Windows


iOS or Android

or Web

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