Explore the open datasets linked below for creating visualizations.
- Data.gov
Home of the U.S. Government’s open data. Here you will find data, tools, and resources to conduct research, develop web and mobile applications, design data visualizations, and more.
- awesome-public-datasets
Large list of public data sources collected from blogs, answers, and user responses.
- Kaggle Datasets
Discover and seamlessly analyze open data
- Google Cloud Platform public datasets
Freely hosted and accessible using a variety of data warehouse and analytics software, from open source Apache Spark to cutting edge Google technologies like Google BigQuery and Google Cloud Dataflow.
- AWS Public Datasets
AWS hosts a variety of public datasets that anyone can access for free. Access these datasets via the AWS centralized data repository and analyze them using Amazon EC2 instances or Amazon EMR (Hosted Hadoop) clusters.
- opendata.arcgis.com
Explore 58,090 Open Datasets from 3,560 Organizations Worldwide.
- Where can I find large datasets open to the public?
Large categorized list of open data resources on the web.