If you know which database you would like to use, select ALL DATABASES. This will bring you to an alphabetical listing of all of our databases.
If you do not know which database to use, click the SEARCH ALL to get to the main database page. Match your topic to a corresponding subject area and we will recommend databases to you based upon your topic.
View in full-screen for best results.
Academic Search Complete is a multidisciplinary database, so it's a great place to start no matter what your research topic might be. Here's how to begin your search in the databases.
Step 1. Enter your keywords in the search fields. Click SEARCH.
Step 2. Browse your results or limit further by using the the limiters on the side bar.
AND narrows searches by combining terms.
ex. college AND debt
OR broadens searches by finding either of the terms between which it appears.
ex. college OR higher education
NOT narrows searches by excluding the term after which it appears.
ex. college NOT loans
For complex searches, use parentheses:
INCORRECT: college OR higher education AND debt OR loans NOT Pell Grants
CORRECT: (college OR higher education) AND (debt OR loans) NOT Pell Grants
The following databases are multi-disciplinary and will retrieve articles on almost any topic.
Many offer the option to limit searches to articles found in scholarly and peer-reviewed journals.
Academic OneFile: General database with articles and reviews
Academic Search Complete: Useful articles on a variety of topics
ProQuest Central: Excellent database with plenty of Psychology articles
Opposing Viewpoints In Context: Covers today’s social issues, from offshore drilling to climate change, from health care to immigration.
CQ Researcher: Reporting and analysis on issues in the news.
Database List: Click here for more databases arranged by subject