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Alumni Library Access Policy

New York Institute of Technology  Alumni wishing to visit any NYIT Libraries must obtain an access card via the Alumni Office. Alumni Cards offer holders onsite access to all three NYIT libraries and their collections. 

Alumni are welcome into NYIT Libraries during our regularly posted fall, spring, and summer hours. However, use is restricted to current students only during mid-terms and finals. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. We have limited space and want to ensure that current students have priority. 

Alumni Library Access Benefits Include:

Alumni Library Access Benefits Include: 

  • Browse our physical collection and borrow up to three titles at a time. The loan period is two weeks. 
  • Enjoy our libraries! 
  • Access to Guest WIFI: Alumni may connect their personal laptops and/or personal devices to NYIT-Guest
  • Scanning services are available on select desktop computers
  • Full onsite access to our entire electronic resource collection
  • After Hours book drops

Alumni Library Access Limitations:


Alumni Library Access Limitations: 

  • Access is limited to standard Library hours; and current students are always given preference. During midterms and finals our physical spaces are for current students only. Please check our hours here.
  • Printing is managed by our IT department and Alumni do not have printing privileges. We encourage out alumni to utilize thumb drives when trying to save materials.

New York Tech Alums are expected to comply with all Library Policies


Did you write a thesis or a masters project as an NYIT student?  Alumni are encouraged to submit their publications to our institutional repository. If you want your publication added to the repository, please email Need examples of other publications found in the repository? Please check out our repository here:

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