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Raspberry Pi: SSH - Remote Login

Getting started with the Raspberry Pi

The Raspian Linux operating system on the Pi allows for remote log in and control via SSH (Secure Shell).  Find below instructions for remotely gaining access to the Pi from any type of computer.

Basic Overview


SSH Remote Login

Remote login to the Pi via SSH requires the following steps:

  1. A computer with an SSH client
  2. IP address of the Raspberry Pi
  3. Both computers on the same network or publicly reachable over the internet

Establish a ssh connection with the Pi:

  1. Open the terminal application on your desktop (see sidebar for more info based on your computer's OS)
  2. Enter the ssh command, username on remote system (pi), and the IP address of the remote system (the ip address must the current IP address of the Pi that you want to connect to, see how to find the Pi's IP address below)
            ssh pi@
  3. You now have access to the command line interface on the remote system.  You can now configure the Pi, install software, and write programs.


Finding the Pi's IP address

After starting up the Pi with a keyboard and monitor attached, find the Pi's current IP by the following:

  1. Open Terminal application
  2. Enter the ifconfig command
  3. Look for the IP address of the network interface you will be connecting over.  Generally eth0 when on a wired network or wlan0 for wireless
  4. Use the associated address to access the Pi

SSH Key-Based Authentication

Key-based authentication provides increased security by allowing for user login using a cryptographic key instead of,or in addition to, a traditional password.



SSH from Windows

Use the PuTTy terminal emulator to access the Pi's linux shell from a Windows based computer.  PuTTy will allow for running SSH, after downloading, follow the instruction on this page to log in to the Pi.

  1. Download & install the PuTTy application.
  2. Enter the Pi's ip address in the Host Name Box on port 22
  3. Select SSH as connection type.
  4. Click Open button
  5. Accept the Server's key finger print
  6. Login as user pi with the password raspberry by default

SSH from Mac OS

Mac OS includes and SSH client accessible from the standard Terminal Application.  To access the terminal:

  1. Open Macintosh HD or a Finder window
  2. Click on the Applications folder
  3. Find and open the Utilities folder
  4. Open the Terminal application
  5. Follow the instructions for SSH login on this page

Mobile Device


SSH from iOS (iPhone, iPad)

The following iOS apps, available for iPhone and iPad devices will provide SSH access to a Raspberry Pi.

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