The following selections can be found in our reference collections. Consult Bearcat for availability and additional resources at your campus library.
The Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy 2nd ed., rev.
Blackburn, Simon, 1944-
B41 .B53 2008
Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Craig, Edward.
B51 .R68 1998
The Encyclopedia of Eastern Philosophy and Religion: Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, Zen
Fischer-Schreiber, Ingrid.
BL1005 .L4813 1994
The Oxford Handbook of Contemporary Philosophy
Jackson, Frank, 1943-
B790 .O94 2005
Encyclopedia of Asian Philosophy
Leaman, Oliver, 1950-
B121 .E53 2001
Key Concepts in Eastern Philosophy
Leaman, Oliver.
B5010 .L32 1999
The Philosophy of Science: An Encyclopedia
Pfeifer, Jessica.
Q174.7 .P55 2006
A Dictionary of Continental Philosophy
Protevi, John, 1955-
B41 .D46 2006
The Cambridge Companion to Greek and Roman Philosophy
Sedley, D. N.
B111 .C36 2003
World Philosophies
Smart, Ninian, 1927-
B72 .S64 1999