The Woolworth Mansion, known as Winfield Hall, was built in 1917 by Frank Winfield Woolworth, father of the famous "five and dime" department stores. It is located on Crescent Beach Road, in Glen Cove, NY. It was built in the Beaux Arts style and boasts 56 rooms. When built, it overlooked Long Island Sound.
Harbor HiIl was home to many parties in honor of notables of the time. In 1924, The Mackays hosted a party for the Prince of Wales, who later became King Edward VIII of England. In 1927, the estate was the scene of a gala party for suddenly world famous aviator Charles Lindbergh upon his return from Europe. Lindbergh had just completed the first solo flight across the Atlantic Ocean -- from Long Island's Roosevelt Field to Paris, France.
Click here to watch a video of the Mackay estate: