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Central Park, New York City: A Research Guide

Drawing, Plans and Maps

Sanitary & topographical map of the city and island of New York 
Lionel Pincus and Princess Firyal Map Division, The New York Public Library. (1865). Sanitary & topographical map of the city and island of New York Retrieved from Note: High Res Tif format available for download


Olmsted Map of Central Park, New York City. 1868.
A hand-colored map of New York City’s Central Park was prepared and printed for inclusion in the Thirteenth Annual Report of the Board of Commissioners of the Central Park. Original file.


Map Showing the Original Topography of the Site of the Central Park with a Diagram of the Roads and Walks now under construction. January 1859. Note: High Res Tif format available for download

Map of the lands included in the Central Park, from a topographical survey, June 17th 1856

B. F. Stevens's facsimile of the unpublished British head quarters coloured manuscript map of New York & environs (1782). Tif format available for download.

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