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Osteopathic Medicine

This guide will provide useful information on finding resources in osteopathic medicine.

Osteopathic manipulative research can be challenging to find. There is a dearth of research, and the published research is often not well-indexed. You will have to search across multiple sources. Consider using the databases and strategies below to find osteopathic research.

Where can I find osteopathic research?

How to search for osteopathic research?

When searching a database, it is advised to use controlled vocabulary, standardized terms utilized to index articles, alongside keywords. In the PubMed database, these take the form of MeSH (Medical Subject Headings). YOU MAY MISS SOMETHING IF YOU JUST USE MESH TERMS.

MeSH terms are arranged in a hierarchical structure. For example "Manipulation, Osteopathic" is a sub-term under "Musculoskeletal Manipulations." In PubMed, searching for a higher term searches for articles indexed with all lower terms; this is called explosion.

You can incorporate MeSH terms into your search using the [MeSH] OR [mh] field tag. Some possible terms include:

"Osteopathic Physicians"[mh] "Manipulation, Osteopathic"[mh]
"Osteopathic Medicine"[mh] "Hospitals, Osteopathic"[mh]
"Spinal Manipulation"[mh] "Musculoskeletal Manipulations"[mh:noexp]

Consult a librarian for a more detailed discussion of how to search the literature.

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