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Credo Information Literacy Modules: Credo Instruct

Credo Instruct

Credo Instruct is a set of online videos, tutorials, and quizzes modules covering information literacy by Credo, a company that provides resources for libraries and faculty. Faculty can use these modules to integrate information literacy (IL) into their curriculum and learning management system (LMS) and can be used on and off-campus. 

The resource aims to: 

  • Formulate appropriate, workable research questions
  • Synthesize what they learn into a final product such as research papers, including citations that are apt for their field.
  • Help students learn how to find research materials in any catalog.

If you need resources for teaching information literacy topics, these videos, tutorial modules, and quizzes include topics such as: 

  • How to get started writing a research paper. 
  • How to search library databases.
  • How to cite sources properly to avoid plagiarism.
  • How to evaluate the authority of library and web sources.


  • Can embed stable URLs in LMS
  • Mapped to the 2016 Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL) Framework for Information Literacy
  • Quiz results routed to you
  • Video, graphics, text and audio appeal to multiple learning styles
  • ADA and FERPA compliant

How Faculty can use CREDO in Online Classes

CREDO gives you a "low lift" option to start incorporating information literacy instruction in your class and assignments. If your class already focuses on information literacy, Instruct can complement what you are doing through 60+ videos, tutorials, and assessments. You can increase instructional time for information literacy by shifting lecture-based instruction to homework (flipped classroom), allowing for hands-on, high impact learning when students come to class. 


Here are  3 ways you (faculty) can utilize CREDO in your course: 


1. Before the Library Instruction session: 

Librarians have limited time with students to teach them research and information literacy skills when invited to classrooms, usually known as the "one-shot sessions". 

  • It can be hard to balance teaching students the conceptual knowledge they need and the basic mechanics of research for their assignments in one sitting. Use multimedia to flip your library instruction. Students can go through multimedia on their own time (before or after class) to get basic concepts of information literacy. 
  • Benefit: Librarians can focus their in-person, synchronous, or asynchronous online time with students on active learning, practice for their assignment, and reinforcing information literacy concepts. 


2. Scaffold through your course: 

Are you concerned about having enough time to cover your course's content and incorporate research instruction into your syllabus? 

  • Use multimedia to flip information literacy instruction through several weeks of your course. Students can go through multimedia on their own time to learn basic concepts and practice research skills. Reinforce IL concepts through the research assignments you planned to give as part of your syllabus-like annotated bibliographies, research papers, etc. Relevant multimedia can be shared with students at each step of a major research project. 
  • Benefit: Students can benefit from information literacy instruction without a significant impact on your syllabus. 


3. As a Remedial Tool: 

Do some of your students need a refresher or additional help with how to do research (transfer students, non-traditional students, at-risk students)? 

  • Use multimedia as a remedial tool for students who need to review basic information literacy skills. By making materials available online, students can get the help they need without significantly impacting your course syllabus. 
  • Benefit: Students who need additional help can benefit from information literacy instruction without a significant impact on your syllabus.

For more ideas on how to implement these suggestions, please visit our Help Site for Instructional Aids.

How to Integrate Information Literacy Core into your Curriculum

In the navigation menu on the left, you can view all modules InfoLit Core offers.  To offer modules to your students, use the Stable Link Page. 

You have several options. Direct Links,  Embed Codes, and Learning Tools Interoperability Links (LTI Links). 

  • Direct links: Direct links are URLs that should work anywhere (as Web Links within Blackboard or anywhere outside of Blackboard). They open the module in a new window that includes proxy serve codes for all off-campus users. If you enter CREDO resources into your LMS using the "Direct Link" URL, any online CREDO assessments completed by the student can only be submitted if the student's inputs email addresses where results can be sent. 
  • Embed Codes: These are direct links that open within the frame of your LMS rather than in a new window. Consult with librarians to learn more about integrating librarian-led research sessions into your course. Also, see information on this page to help you integrate information literacy instruction into your curriculum. 
  • LTI links: LTI links integrate CREDO content directly with the Blackboard system. If CREDO links are configured using the LTI links as a Blackboard tool, Any online CREDO assessments completed by the user can be automatically entered into the Blackboard grade book. This includes quiz results and the "checkpoint" activities in videos and tutorials. 

Contact librarians with questions.

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