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New York Public Library : NYPL - Temporary Expanded Access to Databases

A 92 Library Branch system that services Manhattan, the Bronx and Staten Island, plus anyone who lives, works or goes to school in New York State.

NYPL - Temporary Expanded Access to Databases

Research at NYPL: Remote Access to Collections and Services

During the temporary closure of The New York Public Library's locations, the Library's Research Collections and Services remain available to help researchers access information and materials. From personalized email consultations with research librarians to expanded access to our online research databases, here are a wide variety of ways you can use the Library's online tools.

Online Research Assistance

Research librarians and curators are available to answer research-specific questions via email and online research consultations.

For questions about your library account, downloading e-books, and other technical assistance, connect with Ask NYPL staff via live chat and email.

Access Online Research Databases to Find Full-Text Articles

Blue house-shaped icon

Databases with this icon are accessible remotely with a valid NYPL card and PIN. Please explore the A-Z list of Articles & Databases and limit your search to “available at home with library card.” There are hundreds of resources available from home. These key resources are good places to start:

In addition, during the time we are temporarily closed, we can offer access to the following critical resources:

The suite of EBSCO databases have been expanded for remote access, including:

Our subscriptions to the following databases have been upgraded:

The following specialized business databases are now available remotely:

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