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Systematic Review Guide

This guide will help you determine which type of review is right for you and how to navigate the process.

Predefining Objectives

  • Develop a clearly defined and answerable clinical question. 

Evidence-based practice:

P Patient, population Children aged 3-10 y/o, diagnosed with chicken pox
I Intervention Use of a specific new drug at a specific dose by a specific mode of administration
C Comparison, control Use of the present drug in standard conditions
O Outcomes Comparative relief of symptoms A, B, C; results of observations D, E, F; or test results G, H

Riva, J. J., Malik, K. M., Burnie, S. J., Endicott, A. R., & Busse, J. W. (2012). What is your research question? An introduction to the PICOT format for clinicians. The Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association56(3), 167–171.

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