Dr. Jerry Balentine and Dr. Francine Glazer initiated the Strategic Action Plan which was then facilitated by Vanessa Viola, Rosemary Burgos-Mira, and Elisabete Ferretti of the New York Tech Libraries Long Island and New York Campuses. Collaborative discussions, working groups, focus groups, and three meetings with an external consultant during the summer of 2022 resulted in this strategic action plan.
Priority Area 1 Team: Sebastien Marion*, Eduardo Rivera, Sandy Moore, Manhaz Tehrani, Lorraine Botros
Priority Area 2 Team: Summer Buffin*, Sandy Moore, Rosemary Burgos-Mira*, Jeanne Strausman, Jessica DiSibio
Priority Area 3 Team: Sandy Moore*, Sloane Kelley, Mahnaz Tehrani, Patricia Hannifin, Sehwan Cha
Priority Area 4 Team: Eduardo Rivera*, Sloane Kelley, Sebastien Marion, Rosemary Burgos-Mira
*Team Lead
Lorraine Botros, Research Library at Salten Hall
Summer Buffin, Research Library at Salten Hall
John Carter, NYITCOM at Arkansas Library
Sehwan Cha, Research Library at Salten Hall
Jeffrey Feinsilver, Research Library at Salten Hall
Rebekah Harmon, NYITCOM at Arkansas Library
Sloane Kelley, NYITCOM at Arkansas Library
Sebastien Marion, Manhattan Library
Delia McCarthy, Art and Architecture Library
Diana Moronta, Manhattan Library
Sheila Morrissey, Research Library at Salten Hall
Ed Rivera, Research Library at Salten Hall
Jeanne Strausman, Medical Library
Mahnaz Tehrani, Medical Library
Diane Becker, Family Medicine, College of Osteopathic Medicine
Amy Bravo, Career Success & Experiential Education
Gertrudis Brens, Interior Design, School of Architecture & Design
Robert Cody, Architecture, School of Architecture & Design
Petra Dilling, Management & Marketing Studies School of Management, Vancouver Campus
Beatrice Figueroa, Academic Affairs
Michael Hadjiargyrou, Biological & Chemical Sciences, College of Arts & Sciences
Hyung-Tae Jung, Architecture, School of Architecture & Design
Rocio Morello, Student Success Initiatives Undergraduate Student Success & Advising
Eva Pearson, Career Success & Experiential Education
James Scire, Mechanical Engineering College of Engineering & Computing Sciences
Amber Sousa, Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine Clinical Sciences, College of Osteopathic Medicine
Lisa Sparacino, Nursing, School of Health Professions
Erikka Vaughan, Academic Affairs
What is it that the library does now to make a difference in your teaching?
What is it that the library does now to make a difference in your research?
What is it about library services for you and your students that is NOT working?
What do you want students and faculty to have when they use library services?
If you could reimagine the Library as an Innovation Technology Hub, what do you see?
What do you believe are the most / least important research skills for your students?
What do you believe are the most / least important technology skills for your students?
Dr. Karen Brown, Association of College and Research Libraries
John Carter
Elisabete Ferretti
Delia McCarthy
Sandra Moore
Diana Moronta
"Diversity Standards: Cultural Competency for Academic Libraries (2012)", American Library Association, May 4, 2012.http://www.ala.org/acrl/standards/diversity (Accessed August 16, 2022)
"Standards for Libraries in Higher Education", American Library Association, August 29, 2006. http://www.ala.org/acrl/standards/standardslibraries (Accessed August 24, 2022)
Leo Appleton. (2017). Libraries and Key Performance Indicators : A Framework for Practitioners. Chandos Publishing.
Colvard, Nicholas B.; Watson, C. Edward; Park, Hyojin. reported this correlation in The Impact of Open Educational Resources on Various Student Success Metrics. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, v30 n2 p262-276 2018. (https://eric.ed.gov/?id=EJ1184998)
Connaway L. S. Harvey W. Kitzie V. Mikitish S. Association of College and Research Libraries & OCLC Research. (2017). Academic library impact : improving practice and essential areas to research. Association of College & Research Libraries a division of the American Library Association. Retrieved October 26 2022 from http://www.ala.org/acrl/sites/ala.org.acrl/files/content/publications/whitepapers/academiclib.pdf.
Joint ALA/ARL Building Cultural Proficiencies for Racial Equity Framework Task Force. American Library Association (ALA); Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL); Association of Research Libraries (ARL); Public Library Association (PLA). (August 2022). Cultural Proficiencies for Racial Equity: A Framework. https://acrl.libguides.com/EDI/CPRE (Accessed August 24, 2022)
May 2022 - Librarians and Library Staff from the Salten Research Library, Manhattan Library, Art & Architecture Library, and NYIT COM and COM AK-State ideate a series of initiatives across Priority Areas that align with the NYIT Strategic Action Plan
June 2022 - Two focus groups composed of faculty and staff provide feedback across initiatives
July 2022 - Dr. Karen Brown, Ph.D. Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) Consultant issues preliminary report.
September 2022 - Dr. Jerry Balentine shares Libraries’ strategic priorities at the Convocation.
February - March 2023 - Dr. Karen Brown facilitates two sessions where Librarians and Library staff (NYIT, NYITCOM NY/AK, Vancouver) develop actions, success indicators, and metrics, Summer 2023 - Focus on Year 1 (AY 2023-2024) actions.
March 2023 - Dr. Karen Brown provides KPI Summary Report
April 2023 - Strategic Plan presented to Academic Senate Communication and Library System Committees
September 2023 - Progress Teams begin reporting quarterly on the Actions in Year One and how they advance our goals.