The NYIT Library provides access to several quality education journal databases containing a huge number of full-text evidence-based (original/peer-reviewed) research articles.
These databases are accessible REMOTELY to NYIT students, who need only enter their MyNYIT/NYIT e-mail logins when asked to do so.
These Education journal databases will provide myriad evidence-based research articles in full text. (These databases are accessible remotely to NYIT students using your MyNYIT/NYIT e-mail LOGINS.)
Education Research Complete (EBSCOhost)
Teacher Reference Center (EBSCOhost)
ProQuest Education Journals (ProQuest)
These huge multidisciplinary/mult-subject journal databases provide a great deal of Education coverage, as well.
Academic Search Complete (EBSCOhost)
ProQuest Central (ProQuest)
This link is to an alphabetical list -- with links -- of ALL NYIT Library EDUCATION databases: |
HELPFUL HINTS: When searching the above databases from EBSCOhost and ProQuest, be sure to check these TWO BOXES on their search screens: FULL TEXT and PEER REVIEWED.
You'll find your evidence-based research articles among PEER-REVIEWED articles, so checking THAT box is ESPECIALLY IMPORTANT!
In EBSCOhost databases:
In ProQuest databases: