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Visual Resources Guide: ARCH 754 Mapping Workshop

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  • GIS Basics: locating and evaluating geospatial data sources, filtering, and viewing the geospatial data.

  • Building visualizations in analysis tools including ArcGIS Online, Social Explorer; and

  • Building your own GIS with QGIS.

GIS Basics

Example Maps Collections with GIS visual analysis tools

United States


Social Explorer

Get Started with Social Explorer;

Create maps and data reports based on historical and modern census data at all geographic levels 

Upload your data and layer it with features and demographics.

Create an account so you can save and publish maps. 

  1. Click on Maps 
  2. Select Start Now.  You'll see a default map of the United States
  3. Enter a location into the search box.
  4. Pull down Show Data By and change it to your geography (county, place, census tract, etc.). Place refers to both cities and unincorporated areas.
  5. Select the Change Data button
  6. Browse by Category or Survey
    1. Browse by Category (tutorial): Use the slider bar to select a Census year and category.  Not all categories are available for each census year as some questions are added or dropped from survey to survey
    2. Browse by Survey (tutorial): Shows a list of all available data variables by Census year  
  7. Creating a Project to enhance your map with text and images.
  8. Invite Group Members to Collaborate by Share > Email Collaborators.

Map of Clinton Hill neighborhood including coastal flooding, open space, and housing data,

Video Tutorials:

How was it?

Miro Exercise Results

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