Statista is one of the world’s largest statistics portals providing access to relevant data from over 18,000 sources. Statista provides users with an innovative and intuitive tool for researching quantitative data, statistics and related information.
Privco provides business and financial data on major, non-publicly traded corporations, including family owned, private equity owned, venture backed, and international unlisted companies.
Business Source Complete is the world's definitive scholarly business database, providing the leading collection of bibliographic and full text content. As part of the comprehensive coverage offered by this database, indexing and abstracts for the most important scholarly business journals back as far as 1886 are included. In addition, searchable cited references are provided for more than 1,300 journals.
Small Business Collection is a daily updated database that provides insights, tips, strategies and success stories through more than 500 subject-appropriate, full-text periodicals. Perfect for small business enthusiasts and entrepreneurs.
Search this database by combining keywords, i.e.:
Many organizations & businesses rely on databases to provide them with reliable secondary research to base decisions. Companies often pay large sums of money to have access to these types of databases. The NYIT Library has a great selection of subscription based databases for market research available for students via our library website. The following are a few examples of subscription based databases for market researchers that we provide access to at NYIT.
*To access subscription databases through the NYIT Library off campus, current students will be prompted to enter their user name and password (same as your NYIT email).
* Click on the below button to download a pamphlet on sources for market research.