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FCWR -161, Dr. Michael Schiavi : Recommended Databases

Library Databases

What are library databases?

A library database is a searchable electronic index of published reliable resources. When writing a research paper, it is extremely important that you use reliable and trustworthy information sources. Using the Internet for research is perilous because there are many unreliable sources out on the world wide web.

An easy way to ensure that you are getting reliable information for your research paper is to use the library databases!! 

What types of information can I find using the NYIT library databases? 

You can find a wide variety of reliable information sources through the NYIT library databases, including academic journals, encyclopedia articles, newspaper articles, statistical sources, and more. 

Can I use the NYIT library databases from home?

Yes!! However, if you are using the library databases from off-campus, you will need to login using your myNYIT login. No login is required if you are accessing the databases from a school computer or on the school wifi. 

Academic Journal Databases for finding Research Articles

Encyclopedia Databases for finding Background Information

Newspaper Database

Statistical Database

Library Databases

*Login required (with your MyNYIT login) for off-campus access. No login required if you are trying to access the databases from school computers or Wifi.

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