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Finding Evidence-Based Research in Education: Home

Evidence-based research defined + how to find it explained.

In this Guide


Here, graduate Education students learn how to identify and obtain -- ONLINE in full text -- evidence-based research articles. These articles appear in HTML and/or PDF format in education journal databases provided by the NYIT Library.

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Finding Evidence-Based Research

So, you're required to research a topic using EVIDENCE-BASED articles.

Can you IDENTIFY an evidence-based research article?

Do you know HOW and WHERE to easily find such articles?

If your answer to the above two questions is NO, this guide will prove very helpful. It DEFINES and EXPLAINS evidence-based research. It presents methods for FINDING such research and provides LINKS to EDUCATION-SPECIFIC full-text journal databases containing such articles. It provides assistance in SEARCHING these databases.

To summarize the content of this guide:

TAB 2:  Evidence-based research DEFINED.

TAB 3:  Identifying COMPONENTS or SECTIONS of evidence-based research articles LISTED and EXPLAINED.

TAB 4:  HOW and WHERE to find evidence-based research articles:  Accessing the NYIT Library's education journal databases.

TAB 5:  How to SEARCH the Library's education databases.

TAB 6:  How to DOCUMENT your sources (using APA formatting).

TAB 7:  Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the Library

Evidence-based research is ORIGINAL research that is QUANTITATIVE (numbers-based, larger sampling) or QUALITATIVE (discussion-based, smaller sampling). The SIX-MINUTE animated VIDEO below explains the difference in detail.

Quantitative vs. Qualitative Research EXPLAINED!

Google Scholar

Consider using Google Scholar to find academic-quality Web-based information: articles, studies, reports, and more.

Google Scholar Search


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Eduardo Rivera
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