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IDSP - 310 - Foundations of Interdisciplinary Research (Dr. Taylor): Finding Articles

Welcome to the IDSP - 310 - Foundations of Interdisciplinary Research Companion Guide! × This is the companion guide to IDSP 310 - Foundations of Interdisciplinary Research taught by Dr. Carylanna Taylor. In this course, you will be required to conduct r



What is "full-text"? 

Think of the database as an electronic filing cabinet full of records. For every item (e.g., article, book) indexed by the database, a record has been created. (We call this a surrogate, because the record represents the item but it isn't the actual item.) This record provides a lot information about the item (title, author, year of publication, etc.). Sometimes, the database contains a record for an item that exists, but not the item itself. These items, if desired, must be requested through interlibrary loan. However, when the database also contains a record accompanied by the actual item it represents, then this is considered a full-text item. In a nutshell: when you limit your search to full-text, this means you'll be able to read all the items in your result list. 

How do I find full-text items? 

When you conduct your initial search, look for a check-box that says full-text.

Limit to Full-text and Scholarly Articles: EBSCO Databases

Limit to Full-text and Scholarly Articles: ProQuest Databases

Limit to Full-text and Scholarly Articles: Elsevier Databases

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