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School Counseling: Journal & Reference Databases

Organizes and lists books, articles, journal databases, websites, RSS feeds, and more -- all supportive of research in school counseling.

For Scholarly Articles...

The NYIT Library offers MANY education journal and reference databases, and they all provide much coverage of school counseling. Those databases are presented here.

IMPORTANT:  For almost ALL NYIT databases, remote access, i.e., access from OFF CAMPUS, rquires a user to provide an NYIT login. This login corresponds to a user's NYIT e-mail login.

Education & School Counseling Databases

Databases providing substantial journal article coverage of education & school counseling...

The following journal/reference databases offer much coverage of school counseling. In many of these databases, checking a "Scholarly/Peer Reviewed" box allows screening for assuredly academic-quality (and most often evidence-based) source material.

Academic Search Complete (EBSCOhost) (Multi-subject, inclu. education/counseling)

Education Research Complete (EBSCOhost)

ERIC (Education Resources Information Center)

ERIC on EbscoHost

ProQuest Central ((Multi-subject, inclu. education/counseling)

ProQuest Education Journals

Teacher Reference Center

Screening for Scholarly Full Text Journal Articles...

Such screening is easy in EBSCOhost & ProQuest databases, as illustrated below. IMPORTANT:  Use ADVANCED SEARCH, not Basic Search, in both these databases. (NOTE:  In most cases, scholarly/peer-reviewed journal articles report EVIDENCE-BASED research.)



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Eduardo Rivera
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