Author. "Title of Source." Title of Container, Other Contributors, Version, Number, Publisher, Publication
Date, Location.
For a single author's name, the format is as follows:
Last Name, First Name.
MLA Citation for Works-Cited List:
Mbue, Imbolo. Behold the Dreamers. Random House, 2016.
MLA Citation for Works-Cited List:
Hichri, Asma. "Hunger 'Beyond Appetite': Nurture Dialectics in
Toni Morrison’s Beloved." Ariel: A Review of International English Literature, vol. 44, no. 2-3, 2013, pp. 195-220.
Do not alphabetize the names of authors within the reference. Enter them as they appear in the book, article, website, and so on. Place a comma after the first author's name and write "and" preceding the second author's name (First Name Last Name). For two authors, the format is as follows:
Last Name, First Name, and First Name Last Name.
MLA Citation for Works-Cited List:
Wadham, Rachel L. and Jonathan W. Ostenson. Integrating Young Adult Literature through the
Common Core Standards. Libraries Unlimited, 2013.
MLA Citation for Works-Cited List:
Ioana, Nicolae and Simona Marin. "From Ideological Literary Criticism to the Educational Status of
Literature in the 1950S." Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, vol. 137, July 2014, pp.112-117.
When a book lists three or more authors, list the first author's name (Last Name, First Name) followed by a comma and the phrase "et al" followed by a period. The format is as follows:
Last Name, First Name, et al.
MLA Citation for Works-Cited List:
Hausman, Alan, et al. Logic and Philosophy: A Modern Introduction. Cengage Learning, 2013.
MLA Citation for Works-Cited List:
Harden, Renata, et al. "Reading the Harlem Renaissance into Public Policy: Lessons from the past
to the Present." Afro-Americans in New York Life & History, vol. 36, no. 2, July 2012, pp. 7-36.
If an institution, organization, corporate body, etc. has authored the source, format the name as it appears in the source. If the author is also the publisher, omit the author element and begin with the title of the work.
MLA Citation for Works-Cited List:
MLA Handbook. The Modern Language Association of America, 2016.
NOTE: Because the corporate author is also the publisher, this citation begins with the title of the work.
If no author is given, or if the author and the publisher are the same, skip the author element and begin with the title of the source.
"Find Online Resources." NYIT Library. New York Institute of Technology, 2017,
Format the editor's name as you would an author's last name (Last name, First name). Place a comma after the editor's first name and write "editor" followed by a period. The format is as follows:
Last Name, First Name, editor.
Example: If your source indicates that it was edited by Bob Bobberson, the element would be formatted Boberson, Bob, editor.
Format the editors' names as you would two authors' last names (Last name, First name, and First name Last name). Place a comma after the first editor's first name, write the world "and" followed by the second editor's name (First name Last Name). Place a comma after the second editor's last name and write "editors" followed by a period. The format is as follows:
Last Name, First Name, and First Name Last Name, editors.
Example: If your source indicates that it was edited by John Murphy and Rose Cardenas, the element would be formatted Murphy, John, and Rose Cardenas, editors.
Format the editors' names as you would an author's last name (Last name, First name). Place a comma after the editor's first name and write "et al" followed by a period. After the period, insert a comma and write the word "editors" followed by a period. The format is as follows:
Last Name, First Name, et al., editors.
Example: If your source indicates that it was edited by John Murphy, Rose Cardenas, and Bob Bobberson, the element would be formatted Murphy, John, et al., editors.
Format the translator's name as you would an author's last name (Last name, First name). Place a comma after the translator's first name and write "translator" followed by a period. The format is as follows:
Last Name, First Name, translator.
Example: If your source indicates that it was translated by Bob Bobberson, the element would be formatted Boberson, Bob, translator.
Format the translators name as you would two authors' last names (Last name, First name, and First name Last name). Place a comma after the first translator's first name, write the world "and" followed by the second translator's name (First name Last Name). Place a comma after the second translator's last name and write "translators" followed by a period. The format is as follows:
Last Name, First Name, and First Name Last Name, translators.
Example: If your source indicates that it was translated by John Murphy and Rose Cardenas, the element would be formatted Murphy, John, and Rose Cardenas, translators.
Format the translators' names as you would three or more authors' last names (Last name, First name, et al.). Place a comma after the first translator's first name and write "et al" followed by a period. After the period, insert a comma and write the word "transalotrs" followed by a period. The format is as follows:
Last Name, First Name, et al., translators.
Example: If your source indicates that it was translated by John Murphy, Rose Cardenas, and Bob Bobberson, the element would be formatted Murphy, John, et al., translators.
Format the performer's name as you would an author's last name (Last name, First name). Place a comma after the performer's first name and write "performer" followed by a period. The format is as follows:
Last Name, First Name, performer.
Example: If your source indicates that it was performed by Mahershala Ali, the element would be formatted Ali, Mahershala, performer.
Format the performers' name as you would two authors' last names (Last name, First name, and First name Last name). Place a comma after the first performer's first name, write the word "and" followed by the second performer's name (First name Last Name). Place a comma after the second performer's last name and write "performers" followed by a period. The format is as follows:
Last Name, First Name, and First Name Last Name, performers.
Example: If your source indicates that it was performed by Mahershala Ali and Janelle Monáe, the element would be formatted Ali, Mahershala, and Janelle Monáe, performers.
Format the performers' names as you would three or more authors' last names (Last name, First name, et al.). Place a comma after the first performer's first name and write "et al" followed by a period. After the period, insert a comma and write the word "performers" followed by a period. The format is as follows:
Last Name, First Name, et al., translators.
Example: If your source indicates that it was performed by Mahershala Ali, Janelle Monáe, and Naomie Harris, the element would be formatted Ali, Mahershala, et al., performers.