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Visual Resources Guide: Maps & GIS

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Geographic Information Systems

Welcome to the Maps and Geographic Do what you can, where you are, with what you have. - Theodore Roosevelt. [Theodore Roosevelt, full-length portrait, seated by world globe, facing left] (1905)Information Systems Guide.

Find the latest information on GIS and how to start orienting you ideas spatially.

Geographic Information System includes,

  1. Statistics - Data sets are visualized with layers and oriented geographically.
  2. Optimization - Select, filter and orient the GIS to a particular research topic. 
  3. Numerical Algorithms - enable you to assign data to a geographic reference.

Maps and GIS help us,

Locate, interpret, and visualize site specific data.
Collect and analyze spatially oriented information.
Narrate site characteristics to connect design concepts to community members

1. Adapted from Boland, Maeve A. "Geographic Information Systems." Encyclopedia of Science, Technology, and Ethics, edited by Carl Mitcham, vol. 2, Macmillan Reference USA, 2005, pp. 856-857. Gale Virtual Reference Library, Accessed 26 Sept. 2017

About Geographic Information and Technologies

Identify Geospatial Data Sources

Narrate with Geospatial Visualizations

Geospatial Training and Careers

Learn More about the Geospatial Science, Theory, and Practice

Create your own GIS with these Map Tools

What is Felt?

Web-based GIS mapping platform.  - free with limited options enables, 

  • Easy upload of geospatial file formats for quick layering
  • Collaborate with others in real-time


What is Green Maps OGM2?

Here are six great sources of information and inspiration to help you get the most out of these tools.

  1. šŸš€At, under Resources, go to our Platform quick guide. Read more about the Website Builder tools under Manage Your Data > Spaces and > Pages. This Guide has loads of helpful information on setting up a map, a survey and using icons, too.

  2. šŸ‘€ Take a look at the Grow Dundee website built using the website builder tools. This is a place where a network of community growing projects share information about local gardens, volunteer and event information.

  3. šŸ¤“ Read our article about the website builder and why we have developed the tools. Weā€™ll soon add short videos here.

  4. šŸ‘ Share information with your group. You can access the intro slides from the website builder session here>

What is GrassGIS?

The Geographic Resources Analysis Support System (, commonly referred to as GRASS GIS, is an Open Source Geographic Information System providing powerful raster, vector and geospatial processing capabilities. It can be used either as a stand-alone application or as backend for other software packages such as QGIS and R or in the cloud. It is distributed freely under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL). GRASS GIS is a founding member of the Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo).

What is Leaflet?

  • Uses javascript. Code heavy with endless capability. 

  • Free. Open Source.

What is OpenStreetMap?

"OpenStreetMap is built by a community of mappers that contribute and maintain data about roads, trails, cafĆ©s, railway stations, and much more, all over the world." 

Get Started with OpenStreetMap

  1. Register to become an editor
  2. Complete editor training
  3. Choose a location and start improving the world's geolocation. 

OpenStreetMaps US hosts an entire community with conferences, training, mapping games, and historical information

News from OpenStreetMaps US

  • Walking the Path to Progress: Pedestrian Data Trends in American CitiesThis link opens in a new windowMar 3, 2025

    In 2024, OpenStreetMap experienced its largest recorded increase in pedestrian mapping, including footways and crossings. Across the top 10 U.S. cities, contributors added 9,896 km of footways and 62,153 individual crossings.

    As with past trends in OpenStreetMap, most edits were made by a small but dedicated group of contributors. I wanted to understand why certain cities have better data than others and identify which variables are contributing to the increases. Here is a look into the data and a few of the most impactful efforts underway contributing to the increase.

    Footways | 2023 vs. 2024

    The chart below compares footway edits over time in 10 US cities. Every city saw an increase, with Austin, Phoenix, Washington, Philadelphia, Dallas, and Miami growing over 50%. These gains will be hard to sustain year over year as sidewalk networks become more complete, but donā€™t worry, there is still plenty of mapping to do!

    Kilometers of Footways in 2023 & 2024

    Crossings | 2023 vs. 2024

    We see a similar trend with crossings in every city except Los Angeles. Crossings are super important to pedestrian safety and navigation while being particularly difficult and time consuming to map. Crossings often require local knowledge or recent street images to identify tags such as markings, signals, and curbs.

    Crossings Added in 2023 & 2024

    Unmarked crossings are a big challenge to mappers but critical for routability. Local laws dictate how pedestrians can cross at unmarked locations, which makes it difficult to establish consistency within OSM.

    Unmarked Crossing Aerial Image

    This example shows an unmarked crossing in an area with marked crossings. Unmarked crossings are important for routability and must be added judiciously while considering pedestrian safety.

    As we look at increasing trends and the rate at which pedestrian data are being generated, below are a few focused efforts underway to improve pedestrian data.

    Pedestrian Working Group

    On March 5th, 2024, OSM US launched the Pedestrian Working Group (PWG). After working with the community and witnessing different styles of mapping pedestrian data it became evident we needed better guidance to build data fit for purpose. Over the past year the PWG conducted a survey identifying core requirements and designed a draft tiered schema that calls for differing levels of detail based on the intended use case. The PWG is currently soliciting feedback on the schema and identifying partnership opportunities with individuals and organizations committed to improving pedestrian safety with data. Sign up to join the PWG and contribute to making this concept a reality.

    Super Mappers

    In February of last year I met mycota (Sean), a Environmental Science professor from Arizona dedicated to improving pedestrian data. He mapped a big portion of downtown Phoenix and his individual contributions accounted for 20% of the footways and 15% of the crosswalks added last year. Go Sean!

    After meeting Sean I came across more Super Mappers who reside in cities where they map. These mappers are a tremendous resource as they understand local pedestrian regulations, understand areas of need, and perform quality checks to improve data consistency. New York City has a core group of mappers who do a great job with quality monitoring.

    Last September kaleidoscopica from Austin Texas posted the message below on Slack. I looked into the numbers and kaleidoscopica was responsible for contributing 1,682 km out of the 1,854 km of footways added in 2024, thatā€™s 90%!

    Slack Message

    The Walkabout

    In the Fall of 2023 Meta launched The Walkabout Initiative, hosting mapathons, webinars, and collaborating with organizations and local mappers to build routable networks in major cities. They had projects in 5 of the top 10 cities focusing on the densest downtown areas. Projects were managed through the Tasking Manager, and Map Roulette used to surface Machine Learning outputs to validate and add missing features. Check out the latest release of Rapid for new ā€œpedestrian friendlyā€ editor improvements.

    Walkabout Project in the Tasking Manager

    Walkabout project area that covered all of Brooklyn, NY and took about 9 months to complete. The local community played a big role in mapping and validation.


    Through the Walkabout initiative, YouthMappers and Meta launched a paid internship program with students from George Washington University. The idea was to provide students with practical workforce experience by learning how to map pedestrian features, and supporting community mappers with the heavy lifting associated with adding separate geometry. Since the program launched students have completed 12 Walkabout projects adding 4,396 km of footways ā€“ thatā€™s 56% of the total contributions in 2024 for the top cities.

    YouthMappers Interns at GWU

    Internship kickoff meeting at George Washington University, April 2024.

    Organizational Efforts

    In addition to the efforts listed above, Iā€™d like to mention the great work from a number of organizations Iā€™ve coordinated with over the past year who are taking an active role in the quest for better data.

    Taskar Center for Accessible Technology: Seattle has some of the highest quality data in the US, thanks in part to a multiyear effort by the Taskar Center who have been hard at work building accessmap, a highly customizable pedestrian navigation map. They are currently expanding coverage of accessmap with data generated through Machine Learning.

    Vision Zero: Over the past decade several US cities have adopted the goal of eliminating all pedestrian related fatalities. Cities are forming committees, states are passing legislation, and federal dollars are funneling down to support local initiatives and data generation.

    NC-BPAID: National Collaboration on Bicycle, Pedestrian and Accessibility Infrastructure Data was launched in 2023 as a collaborative that aims to develop geospatial data specifications related to bicycle, pedestrian, and accessibility infrastructure in the United States. The goal is to enable the coordination and sharing of data on a national scale.

    Get Involved!

    We have a long way to go to make pedestrian data complete and usable in cities and towns across America. This is a tremendous effort, and we need more mappers, organizations, and governments to get involved to make OSM the best source for pedestrian infrastructure data available. Here are a few actions you can take now to move this initiative along.

    • We need more mappers! Pedestrian data is tedious and time consuming to map but fun once you get past the learning curve. Search ā€œpedestrianā€ on the OSM US Tasking Manager to find a list of projects. You can also check Map Roulette or use tools like Street Complete to make it easy to improve tags from the field.
    • Having recent satellite or aerial imagery is essential. Many major US cities have access to 3ā€- 6ā€ aerial thatā€™s compatible for editing OSM. There are sources out there currently not being used. Please help us identify those sources so they can be included by default into editors.
    • The same goes with Street-level Imagery (SLI), which is critical for accurate mapping. Tools like Mapillary make it easy to contribute SLI, and are integrated with most OSM editors.
    • Open pedestrian infrastructure data provided by governments can help improve OSM provided compatible licensing. Open datasets are used to validate features like crosswalks and curbs, and geometries can be added with Rapid.
      • If you have or know of any open pedestrian datasets please reach out to me, someone in the Pedestrian Working Group, or post in the OSM US Slack sidewalks channel. From there we can review the data license and identify ways it can be used to improve OSM.

    If you like mapping Iā€™d encourage you to take a look at pedestrian data where you live and consider attending State of the Map US 2025 this June in Boston, MA. The theme is ā€œCharting the Courseā€ and there will be plenty of talks highlighting the successes and challenges of accessible and multimodal transportation. Iā€™d like to thank all the great folks Iā€™ve worked with over the past year, especially mappers and members of the PWG who are committed to making OSM the best single source of geospatial data on earth.

    Do you have a project, mapping campaign, event, or story worthy of a guest blog post? The OSM US team invites you to check out the guest post guidelines, and reach out to with your idea. Weā€™d love to feature you!

What is ArcGIS StoryMaps?

Get Started with ArcGIS StoryMaps

  1. Visit ArcGIS Story Maps (
  2. Sign Up for an Individual Account using your Gmail.
  3. There are multiple ways to begin your story. Start with an Express Map to build a place-based presentation. Layer in text and images.

TIP: Compile your story content in a simple spreadsheet before building out the StoryMap.

Social Explorer

Get Started with Social Explorer;

Create maps and data reports based on historical and modern census data at all geographic levels 

Upload your data and layer it with features and demographics.

Create an account so you can save and publish maps. 

  1. Click on Maps 
  2. Select Start Now.  You'll see a default map of the United States
  3. Enter a location into the search box.
  4. Pull down Show Data By and change it to your geography (county, place, census tract, etc.). Place refers to both cities and unincorporated areas.
  5. Select the Change Data button
  6. Browse by Category or Survey
    1. Browse by Category (tutorial): Use the slider bar to select a Census year and category.  Not all categories are available for each census year as some questions are added or dropped from survey to survey
    2. Browse by Survey (tutorial): Shows a list of all available data variables by Census year  
  7. Creating a Project to enhance your map with text and images.
  8. Invite Group Members to Collaborate by Share > Email Collaborators.

Map of Clinton Hill neighborhood including coastal flooding, open space, and housing data,

Video Tutorials:

Historical Maps

Typically large-scale maps, dating back to the 1500s, historical maps serve as primary research artifacts.
Fire Insurance Maps cover the United States, Canada, and Mexico from 1800s to the present and About the Sanborn Maps at the Library of Congress

Locating Spatial Data

Locating Spatial Data & Information


ā€¢ Look in general GIS data repositories
ā€¢ Search the internet ā€“ Include ā€œgisā€, or ā€œdataā€ in the search terms AND Search by location and/or topic
ā€¢ Search for governmental (see below) statistical agencies or open data sites from local to global perspective.
ā€¢ Contact GIS departments, universities, or researchers in your area of interest.
ā€¢ Search for articles on your topic and look for the sources of the data.

Global Dataset Search Engines



County and City Data Portals

  • Locate County and Municipal Data on the Web, use search terms, "geospatial" "Open Data" "GIS" plus the municipality name (County, State, or Province) to locate these data repositories.
  • Use translation to navigate pages from local governments often written in different languages.
  • Know that topics including Environment, Business and Economy, Food and Housing, GIS, Infrastructure, Health, Boundaries, Culture and Education are often similar but not standardized. 

Example Collections:

Open Municipal Government Data

Open Government Data initiatives promote "transparency, accountability, and value creation by making government data available to all" ( Evaluate datasets found through open data portals as you would information sources. MĆ”chovĆ”, Hub, Lnenicka recommend searchers consider the following criteria when selecting and searching government data:

- Are data sets organized in understandable categories?
- A complete list of datasets.
- Is there someone to contact to request a specific data set.
- Can you search according to category, publisher, format?
- Can you filter data sets in order to limit what you need to extract?
- Can you process data sets in a common structure such as CSV, JSON, or RDF?
- Do you need to register an account in order to access datasets?

MĆ”chovĆ”, R., Hub, M., & Lnenicka, M. (2018). Usability evaluation of open data portals: Evaluating data discoverability, accessibility, and reusability from a stakeholdersā€™ perspective. Aslib Journal of Information Management, 70(3), 252-268.

Example Thematic GIS & Maps

Urban Heat Islands

Land Cover 

Includes Trees and Green Space


Example Maps Collections with GIS visual analysis tools

United States


Get started with Maps in Rhino

Geospatial Organizations and Standards

Geospatial Community

Books About Mapping and GIS

Journals on GIS and Geospatial Technology

See Also, related guides...

GIS Training

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