Catalogs: From Small to Awesome
Online Collections
These 6 sites offer the full texts of computing, engineering and technology books and related materials. There are no fees for using or quoting from these works, but the authors do expect that credit be given them. Be prepared for a lot of advertising.
BearCat (the NYIT catalog) - The Advanced Search option allows one to limit subject searches to e-books by selecting "E-Library" from the "Library:" dropdown menu.
AccessEngineering - Includes the full texts of 345+ books selected from major fields of engineering. Over 190 videos and 1400 graphs, tables, charts may also be accessed.
E-Books (EBSCOhost) - Covers e-books in many subject areas. A few examples of engineering and computer science subject headings include:
Broad Subjects: There will be considerable overlap among the book titles retrieved. Computer | Data Processing | Engineers | Engineering | Technology
Narrow Subjects: Artificial Intelligence | Computer Games | Computer Graphics | Data Encryption | Data Mining | Green Technology | Internet | Nanotechnology | Pattern Recognition | Robotics | Simulation | Software
The National Academies Press publishes over 200 authoritative books and reports annually from the Institute of Medicine, the National Academy of Engineering, the National Academy of Sciences and the National Research Council. In addition to being purchased in print, these publications can be read online and downloaded for free in many cases.
RCL (Resources for College Libraries) - Provides a list of core titles judged "essential for undergraduate study." By clicking the "Browse" menu bar tab, one can select the subject areas of Computer Science (over 300 titles) and Technology & Engineering (over 1275 titles).