Patents are government grants to the creators of inventions that give them the sole rights to make, use or sell those inventions for specified periods of time.
Patent databases are important resources to inventors, designers and business firms. The descriptions, diagrams and other details of registered patents offer promising areas for new or improved research and product development.
Espacenet (European Patent Office)
Patents (LexisNexis Academic) - Europe, Japan, U.S. / Click blue tab "US Legal", then "Patents" link
Technical standards are written statements providing specifications (precise details) to ensure quality control, safety and compatibility related to the design of goods, products or practices. Standards are usually created by commercial or professional associations, and often enforced by governments.
Purchase from the producer of a standard or a commercial publisher is usually required to obtain the full text. Two publishers representing a wide range of associations and organizations are:
IHS (Information Handling Services, Inc.)
Major standard producing organizations include the following:
ANSI (American National Standards Institute) plus NSSN (its search engine for standards)
ASTM (formerly American Society for Testing & Materials)
ISO (International Organization for Standardization)
NISO (National Information Standards Organization)