For the complete list of NYIT Library Databases:
Good Starting Points for Students
AccessScience - Multi-media general science encyclopedia
Academic Search Complete - Magazine, newspaper, and scholarly journal articles, many in full text
Britannica Online - Scholarly, general, multi-media encyclopedia
Credo Reference - Reference books
ProQuest Central - Articles, many in full text, from a wide range of publications
For Scholars & Researchers
ArticleFirst - Citations from thousands of magazines & journals
ECO (Electronic Collections Online) - Citations from scholarly journals
OAIster - Catalog of open archival digital resources
PapersFirst - Index of papers presented at conferences worldwide
Proceedings - Index of worldwide conference proceedings
Science Direct - Citations & abstracts from over 2,500 peer reviewed journals and book chapters in all areas of science
Scitation - Citation access to journals from 15+ scientific publishers primarily in fields of physics, mechanical engineering, materials science, etc.
WorldCatDissertations - International listing of dissertations, theses, and published works based on them
ACM Digital Library (Association for Computing Machinery) - Full text coverage of ACM publications
Computer and Applied Sciences Complete - Indexes a wide variety of magazines and journals, many in full text
Computing (subfile of ProQuest Central) - Substantial full text coverage of publications in computer-related fields
IEEE Xplore (Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers) - Huge database of journals, magazines, and conference proceedings, including full text journal coverage
AccessEngineering - Full text books, illustrations and videos covering all aspects of engineering
ASME Digital Library/Journals (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) - Full text coverage of 25+ ASME journals
IEEE Xplore (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) - Huge database of journals, magazines and conference proceedings, including full text journal coverage
Note: The categories above are not exclusive. Many computer science databases can provide valuable information with regard to engineering research and the reverse is true as well.