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Interior Design: Course Guides & Workshops

School of Architecture & Design Course Guides

Course related Research Guides: FALL 2024 

Select your course: 

AIDD 160

ARCH 161

ARCH 201/202 ARCH 162 
ARCH 211  
ARCH 301 ARCH 362
ARCH 302 ARCH 501/502
ARCH 401/402 ARCH 412
DSGN 203
DSGN 204
DSGN 326
ARTH 201 ARTH 602
SoAD Adjunct Committee ARCH 754
Faculty & Lecturers can request In-class Library Tutorials and/or Import the Art & Architecture Library Canvas Module. 


AAID 160 | ARCH 162

See also, 

ARCH 272

ARCH 301

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Library Resources for ARCH - 301 F2024
Chipperfield, David & Fernandez-Isla, Jose Maria & M. M. Santolaya Heredero. Social Housing. 2001.

Books on Reserve

  • Richard Plunz, History of Housing in NYC on Reserve in Ed Hall and Manhattan Libraries
  • Roger Sherwood, Modern Housing Prototypes on Reserve in Ed Hall and Manhattan Libraries
  • Hilary French, Key Urban Housing of the 20th Century on Reserve in Ed Hall and Manhattan Libraries
Expand search results with linked keywords

su: Ecological houses Design and construction

su: Low Income Housing

Vachon, John, photographer. Row houses with white steps. Baltimore, Maryland. United States Baltimore Maryland, 1938. July. Photograph.

Journals on Housing Design

Articles & Reports

The mediums, Articles, Journals, and documentaries provide the latest information on a topic. Read and examine these articles for the latest research and new arguments emerging from research and practice. Though not comprehensive, these suggested articles represent a portion of what has been debated through the literature, 

History of Housing


  • Avilla-Royo, Raül, Sam Jacoby, and Ibon Bilbao. 2021. “The Building as a Home: Housing Cooperatives in Barcelona.” Buildings: An Open Access Journal for the Built Environment 11 (4): 1–21. (PDF)
  • Kurz, Daniel. 2022. “Diversität Macht Stadt : Stadtsiedlung Reitmen Schlieren, Haerle Hubacher, Steib Gmür Geschwentner Kyburz Und Raderschall Partner = [Diversity and the City : Reitman Urban Housing Development in Schlieren, Haerle Hubacher with Steib Gmür Geschwentner Kyburz and Raderschall Partner].” Werk, Bauen + Wohnen, no. 1–2 (January): 25–33. (PDF)

Future of housing

The Impact of Zoning on Housing Development

ARCH 302

>>Site Demographics Worksheet

Books on Reserve

  • Richard Plunz, History of Housing in NYC on Reserve in Ed Hall and Manhattan Libraries
  • Roger Sherwood, Modern Housing Prototypes on Reserve in Ed Hall and Manhattan Libraries
  • Hilary French, Key Urban Housing of the 20th Century on Reserve in Ed Hall and Manhattan Libraries

More in the Stacks and Ebooks

  • Browse HOUSING subdivided geographically in the STACKS:   NA7100-7884
  • Browse HOUSING by Form in the STACKS: NA4150-4160

Journals on Housing Design

Articles & Reports

The mediums, Articles, Journals, and documentaries provide the latest information on a topic. Read and examine these articles for the latest research and new arguments emerging from research and practice. Though not comprehensive, these suggested articles represent a portion of what has been debated through the literature, 

History of Housing


  • Avilla-Royo, Raül, Sam Jacoby, and Ibon Bilbao. 2021. “The Building as a Home: Housing Cooperatives in Barcelona.” Buildings: An Open Access Journal for the Built Environment 11 (4): 1–21. (PDF)
  • Kurz, Daniel. 2022. “Diversität Macht Stadt : Stadtsiedlung Reitmen Schlieren, Haerle Hubacher, Steib Gmür Geschwentner Kyburz Und Raderschall Partner = [Diversity and the City : Reitman Urban Housing Development in Schlieren, Haerle Hubacher with Steib Gmür Geschwentner Kyburz and Raderschall Partner].” Werk, Bauen + Wohnen, no. 1–2 (January): 25–33. (PDF)

Future of housing

ARCH 362 - History of Cities

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Primary and Secondary Sources in the History of Cities The Continuous Monument: St. Moritz Revisited, project Perspective

Primary Sources

  • An original source plan proposal or study, documentation from the original event; original plans and drawings, personal correspondence, works of art, historical newspaper articles.
  • Finding primary sources, 
    • Example Search Terms: Jane Jacobs letters; Archigram Drawings
    • Conduct Searches across digital collections, library catalogs, and library databases
    • Example: Tange, Kenzo. 1987. “A Plan for Tokyo, 1986.” Japan Architect 62 (November): 8–45. 
      "The article presents a proposal for the structural reorganization of the Coastal City of Tokyo and Tokyo Bay City in Japan. ...The author states that the proposal was developed in cooperation with commissions from government agencies and from the city of Tokyo. "
  • On the Web
  • Library Databases

Including JStor/ArtStor, and Oxford Art Online

News & Media



Secondary Sources

  • Written after the fact, in response to, or including analysis of an original writing, artwork, design plan or building.
  • Interpret, Critique, or Explain Primary Sources
  • Found in scholarly and editorial journals. Search across databases such as OneSearch, Avery, and Google Scholar
  • Example: Dunn, Sarah, and Martin Felsen. 2019. “Behind the Wheel: Charles Darwin and Superstudio Do the Driving.” Architectural Design 89 (4): 94–99. doi:10.1002/ad.2462. (Article includes analysis of Superstudio ideas (secondary source) and explains new plans (primary).

Tertiary Sources

  • Often the place we start and gather background research, Tertiary sources combine information and related topics. 
  • Summarize one or more bodies of knowledge on a topic. These sources point to the commentary and original primary sources.
  • Examples include,

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  • Add this extension to your browser to connect web searches to full text subscriptions behind paywalls.



Cristiano Toraldo di Francia, (Artist), Italian, born 1941, Adolfo Natalini, (Artist), Italian, born 1941, Gian Piero Frassinelli, (Artist), Italian, born 1939, Roberto Magris, (Artist), Italian, born 1935, Superstudio, (Artist), founded 1966-1982, and Alessandro. The Continuous Monument: St. Moritz Revisited, Project Perspective. Drawing date: 1969. Cut-and-pasted printed paper, color pencil, and oil stick on board, 16 7/8 x 19 1/8" (42.9 x 48.6 cm). Museum of Modern Art (New York, N.Y.).

See Also,

ARCH 401 - Integrative Design V

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Library Resources for ARCH 401:

Building Systems | Structural Materials | Building Skins

Search the Library Catalog to locate books/ebooks from the bibliography. Expand your search by considering the broader/narrower/related linked keywords. Select and Search multiple databases to locate records that point to articles written in professional/trade journals such as Detail Magazine, Architecture Design, A+U, case studies, and books. Expand the search across ebooks database platforms such as Acess Engineering (ie, timber), GreenFile, and CuminCad Search Materials across databases and websites.

Timber Construction Details

Steel Construction Details

Concrete Construction Details (log in with

ARCH 473 - CM Contracts

ARCH 481 - Professional Practice

ARCH 501 / 502 AY2425 - Fall 2024

Organizing Your Research & Citations

Looking Ahead:

ARCH 705 - Cody

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Still image from Video attachment to the ICRA 2018 paper:
Accurate and Adaptive In situ Fabrication of an Undulated Wall using
On-Board Visual Sensing System Various clips during the construction of the steel wire mesh are shown.

Library Resources for ARCH 705 - Cody





  • Citation formats differ by course and by journal requirements. Pay close attention to citation formats when writing proposals.
  • Consult the Citation Guide

Public Libraries provide additional resources:


DSGN 204

DSGN 362

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History of Interior Design DSGN 362

Part I: Library Refresh 


Part II: Exercise - Background Research for Exploring Topics

Part III: Book a Research Appointment


DSGN 483

ARTB 651 Critical Thinking and Writing - Kaufmann

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Library Collections for ARTB 651 - Critical Thinking and Writing - SP2023

This brief guide highlights library sources and services most relevant to this course. Contact librarians whenever you need a hand furthering your ideas. 

General Design Theory 

The Art of Innovation: Lessons in Creativity from IDEO, America's Leading Design Firm, by Tom Kelley (Links to an external site.) (Link will open in new tab.), (ebook)

Change by Design, Revised and Updated: How Design Thinking Transforms Organizations and Inspires, Tim Brown  (ebook)
Creative Confidence: Unleashing the Creative Potential Within Us All, Tom Kelley (Links to an external site.) (Link will open in new tab.), (ebook)

The Design Method, The: A Philosophy and Process for Functional Visual Communication, Eric Karjalouto (Links to an external site.) (Link will open in new tab.) 
Design for How People Think: Using Brain Science to Build Better Products 1st Ed., John Whalen  (Links to an external site.) (Link will open in new tab.)(ebook)
Design Is Storytelling, Ellen Lupton (Links to an external site.) (Link will open in new tab.)
Design Thinking: Understanding How Designers Think and Work, Nigel Cross, (Links to an external site.) (Link will open in new tab.) 
The Design Thinking Toolbox: A Guide to Mastering the Most Popular and Valuable Innovation Methods 1st ed., by M. Lewrick, P. Link, L. Leifer   (Links to an external site.) (Link will open in new tab.)
Graphic Design Thinking: Beyond Brainstorming, by Ellen Lupton (Links to an external site.) (Link will open in new tab.) (ebook)

A Whole New Mind : Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future (Links to an external site.) (Link will open in new tab.), Daniel Pink (ebook)

Graphic Design
Design Literacy: Understanding Graphic Design, Steven Heller (Links to an external site.) (Link will open in new tab.), (ebook)
Don’t Make Me Think, Revisited: A Commonsense Approach to Web Usability, Steve Krug  (Links to an external site.) (Link will open in new tab.)
How to Think Like a Great Graphic Designer, Debbie Millman (Links to an external site.) (Link will open in new tab.) (ebook)
79 Short Essays on Design, Michael Bierut, (Links to an external site.) (Link will open in new tab.) (ebook)

Creativity, Inc.: Overcoming the Unseen Forces That Stand in the Way of True Inspiration, Ed Catmull. (president of PIXAR) (Links to an external site.) (Link will open in new tab.) (ebook)
Critical Gaming: Interactive History and Virtual Heritage, Professor Erik Champion (Links to an external site.) (Link will open in new tab.), (ebook)
Reality Is Broken: Why Games Make Us Better and How They Can Change the World, Jane McGonigal (Links to an external site.) (Link will open in new tab.), (ebook)
From Barbie to Mortal Kombat : Gender and Computer Games, Justine Cassell, Henry Jenkins (Links to an external site.) (Link will open in new tab.),  (ebook)
Simulation and its Discontents, Sherry Turkle (Simulation and Visualization) (Links to an external site.) (Link will open in new tab.)

3D-Product Design
Alone Together: Why We Expect More from Technology and Less from Each Other. by Sherry Turkle (Links to an external site.) (Link will open in new tab.) (ebook)
Emotional Design: Why We Love (or Hate) Everyday Things, Donald Norman (Links to an external site.) (Link will open in new tab.)

The Design of Everyday Things (Links to an external site.) (Link will open in new tab.), Donald Norman, (ebook)

Contemporary and Critical Art Historical Online Collections

Primary & Secondary Source Research in the Arts

Databases for Arts Research

ARTH 201 - Kaufmann

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Library Resources for ARTH 201 - Art History III

Refer to the Art History Research Guide for biographical Search, image search in references sources and databases. 

Art for  the Digital Age

About Citations for Images

Image Citation using Chicago:

"According to the Chicago Many of Style (17th ed.) information about the image, whether it is a photograph, painting, or other work of art, can be presented in the text and not in a note or bibliography.  However, if a citation is required, citing an image in Chicago style requires you to include much of the same information you would include in citing a print resource like author(s)/editor(s), title of image, and publication date. Chicago style dictates a different citation format depending on whether the image is from an electronic resource or published photograph."


Author Surname, First Name or Initial. Image Title. Year. Medium. size. Museum or place image is, Location, URL. 

More Information

ARTH 602 ' Aesthetics and Theory' - Kaufmann

Library Resources for ARTH 602 - Aesthetics and Theory:


eBooks & Essays

Comic Propaganda Pages - Log In with google account

This is not propaganda, Chapter 3 & 4 - Log In with google account

‘Nature and Function of Critical and Creative Thinking’ (ebook)
'Fact Over Fake; A Critical Thinker's Guide to Media Bias and Political Propaganda' (ebook)
'How to Read a Paragraph, the Art of Close Reading' (ebook)
'A Thinker's Guide to Ethical Reasoning' (ebook)

Propaganda, Bernays, Edward L., 1891-1995 (ebook)

The Age of Spiritual Machines : When Computers Exceed human Intelligence, Kurzweil, Ray (ebook)

Fake News, Propaganda, and Plain Old Lies : How to Find Trustworthy Information in the Digital Age,  Barclay, Donald A. (ebook)

Problem Solving and Critical Thinking for designers, Piotrowski, Christine M (ebook)

How Propaganda Works, Stanley, Jason (ebook)

Living with Robots, Dumouchel, Paul (ebook)

Playing Smart : on Games, Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence, Togelius, Julian (ebook)

The Curious Person's guide to fighting Fake News, McAfee, David G.(ebook)

The Myth of Artificial Intelligence : Why Computers Can't Think the Way We Do, Larson, Erik John (ebook)

Bad News : Why We Fall for Fake News, Brotherton, Rob (ebook)

Disinformation and You : Identify Propaganda and Manipulation, Jones, Marie D. (ebook)

Ethics in Design and Communication : critical perspectives, Scherling, Laura (ebook)

LaGarde, J. Fact vs. Fiction : Teaching Critical Thinking Skills in the Age of Fake News,

Bostrom, N. Superintelligence : Paths, Dangers, Strategies (ebook)

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance : An Inquiry Into Values, Pirsig, Robert M. (ebook)

The Singularity is Near : When Humans Transcend Biology, Kurzweil, Ray (ebook)

AI : its Nature and Future, Boden, Margaret A. (ebook)

Books in Print

Real World AI: A Practical Guide for Responsible Machine Learning, Alyssa Rochwerger 

The Quest for Artificial Intelligence : A History of Ideas and achievements, Nilsson, Nils J.

Artificial Intelligence : An Illustrated History : from Medieval Robots to Neural Networks, Pickover, Clifford A. 

McFarland, E. Blockchain Wars: The Future of Big Tech Monopolies and the Blockchain Internet, 

Artificial Intelligence: 101 Things You Must Know Today About Our Future - Updated Edition for Post-Covid-19 World, \ Rouhiainen, L

This is Not Propaganda : Adventures in the War against Reality, Pomerantsev, Peter (on order)

Comic Art Propaganda : a Graphic History, Strömberg, Fredrik (PN6714 .S77 2010)

New York Times  (* Register for free access to the here using your NYIT email address)

Journals, Magazines, and Newspapers

 Image Credit: L. Kaufmann.

ARCH 291 / 791- Pongratz

ARCH 412 Fall 2023

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Research Tips for the Compressive Structure Report:

1. Gathering background information from specialized encyclopedias and reference ebooks.

2. Refer to in-depth and case studies information across ebooks and journal articles

3. Cite your sources using the citation generators and OWL purdue.

1. Specialized Encyclopedia and Reference Sources:

Articles provide an overview and information on built works with the structural design. Follow the articles and references. 

Stone Arch Bridge

2. Examples of Three Works from eBooks and Journal Articles

3. Cite Your Sources in MLA format. 

Example Reference Article:

Goode, Patrick. "arch." The Oxford Companion to Architecture. : Oxford University Press, , 2009. Oxford Reference. Date Accessed 23 Oct. 2023 <>.

Example Ebook Entry:

1. Möller, Eberhard. Manual of Structural Design : Structural Principles - Suitable Spans - Inspiring Works, Detail Business Information GmbH, The, 2022. ProQuest Ebook Central,

2. Tanner, Jennifer Eisenhauer, and Richard E. Klingner. Masonry Structural Design, Second Edition. 2nd edition., McGraw-Hill Education, 2017. 

Example: Journal Article:

Effective Paraphrasing:


DSGN 204

DSGN 203

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Human-centered design, Anthropometrics, and Neufert’s principles

1. Gathering background information from encyclopedic overviews such as Oxford Art Online and Credo Reference.
2. Refer to in-depth information across books and journals
3. Gather additional visuals from digital humanities sources

Encyclopedic Sources

Indepth Knowledge: Books & eBooks

Images & Primary Source Collections

Notable Museum Collections

Reference: Julius Panero, and Martin Zelnik. 1979. Human Dimension and Interior Space : A Source Book of Design Reference Standards. New York: Watson-Guptill. 

SoAD Adjunct Committee

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SoAD Adjunct Committee - 02/27/24 - Library Highlights

Library Spaces & Hours

Research Instruction

Publishing Resources 

Collection Development

Database Highlights within the Discipline

Lending Technology

  • Cameras / AV / GoPros, VR Headsets, Tablets...
  • Virtual Reality Workstation - HTC Vive with STEAM VR

NEW Spare Arts for Sustainable Materials Reuse - Donation Drive Ongoing

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